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Clubhouse Gallery

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NFT Clubhouse

Samples from both previous and ongoing NFT collection

"Within Us All" (WUSA) NFT Infinity Collection Premiere Launch

The premiere release set of the "Within Us All" (WUSA) NFT collection. This WUSA set has a limited mint of 100 custom individual made 1/1 NFTs. A few have be reserved as short prints for XYO members. This achievement based collection is earned by unlocking their greatness by empowering others.

XYO Avatar NFT Award

XYO World Avatar Edition

The XYO avatar was awarded to members that joined an early beta test for the Project Development Forum. Users could use the avatar anywhere they like to represent their XYO pride and association with XYO World as one of the earliest metaverse projects in crypto.

Mythic Creatures NFT Set One

Mythic Creatures Unicorn Set is a public NFT collection with a small numbers reserved for members to be earned as achievement based NFTs. This NFT is earned by members that show devotion by putting the needs of others before their own.

COIN App Turns 3 Happy Birthday Achievement

To qualify you must have the "COIN APP Turns 3" award in COIN APP. It will appear in your profile space within COIN APP.

HEROES Collection

Be the Difference

The HEROES Collection is a public release NFT with a small number of short prints reserved for community members. This achievement based NFT is awarded to those as part of the recognition by the XYOC Platform member spotlight.

The Genesis Foundation (WUSA) Edition

The Genesis Foundation Within Us All (WUSA) NFT collection is a private NFT for XYO members for purchase. Genesis NFT HODLRs will make up "the Genesis Foundation", thereby sealing your name in history as a founding member of cryptos first community driven Platform. The Genesis NFT is needed to unlock a trove of exclusive content and life long series of benefits. This NFT can only be obtained before the launch of the XYOC Platform.