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///////About the XYO Ecosystem

A Revolution in Geospatial Datathe XYO Network traces its roots back to 2018 when it was founded with the vision of applying a combination of blockchain technology and real-world geospatial data to create a decentralized network of nodes that provide trusted and accurate geospatial data.

The Transformative World of the XYO Ecosystem

The XYO ecosystem is a revolutionary blend of blockchain technology and geospatial data, designed to unlock the potential of location-based applications. It consists of three core components: the XYO Network, COIN App, and XYO World. XYO World is a platform where developers can build immersive experiences using geospatial data and customize non-fungible tokens. Together, these components form an ecosystem that offers endless possibilities for innovation and transformation in various industries.


XYO Network

The XYO Network provides trusted and accurate geospatial data through a decentralized network of nodes, empowering developers to create applications with precision and reliability.



The COIN App gamifies crypto mining, allowing users to collect data while earning rewards.

XYO World

XYO World

XYO World is a platform where developers can build immersive experiences using geospatial data and customize non-fungible tokens.

///////////////// XYO Network

The XYO Network offers developers a trusted source of geospatial data, enabling various applications. It provides infrastructure for decentralized applications, offering services like asset tracking, identity management, and digital asset trading. The network's scalability allows for global deployment of applications, ensuring user data safety and transaction security.

///////////////// COIN Application

  • Illustration

    Portal to Official COIN APP

The COIN App is a user-friendly platform that offers a fun way to mine cryptocurrency while exploring the world. It has a large network of miners and offers rewards in the form of XYO tokens. The app is built on the XYO Network, which aims to create a trustless system for verifying location data.

///////////////// XYO World

  • XYO World Portal

    Portal to Official XYO World

XYO World's blockchain technology and NFTs have diverse applications, from gaming to supply chain management. With a focus on user engagement and participation, the platform has the potential to disrupt various industries and revolutionize how we interact with the virtual and physical world.