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I couldn't be more excited for this moment has been over two years in the making, but every moment was more than worth it to arrive at the point where I can personally introduce you to the XYO Community Platform (XYOCP) to be here in this moment at the point in time tI want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for taking your time to join me during this exhilarating moment in the history of cryptocurrency and XYO. This being the ever advancing process For all but a hand full of members this represents your very first encounter with the Platform. This presents a remarkable opportunity to learn more about the revolutionary project thats been two years in the making.  
As is the case with any start up, establishing the logistical framework without a pre-existing model to follow has presented its fair share of challenges. However, through unwavering commitment and resilience, we have triumphed over obstacles, both big and small, by remaining true to the mission and belief that no task can overcome the greatness that exists within the XYO community. Time and time again since inception no ask has gone unanswered thanks to the unwavering dedication of the very individuals this Platform will forever serve.
Now, as we find ourselves on the brink of the most pivotal phase of the journey to date, we again turn to you. In short time we aim to advance to the final testing in the form of a open public beta. 
There is no requirement to participate in the public beta. All we ask is that you explore, interact, and engage with the reimagine groundbreaking approach to user experience as through the eyes of passionate XYO community member enthusiast just as yourself. To help ensure you have the best experience possible as we near the start of the public beta more defining information will be provided.
Again, I thank you for your time and, above all, for you being who you are.
