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Community Development


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The Platform's Position

Content: Introducing the community to the basic concepts of the Community Platform

About The Platform

The XYO ecosystem is comprised of three primary components, the XYO Network, XYO World, and COIN App. Each operate in their own capacity, and play a critical role to the overall operations of XYO. So much so that with the removal of a single compnent XYO opperations and value would quickly fail.

The "C" in XYO

The concept of a community playing a key role within a project is nothing new. Throughout the early years of crypto it was considered common for members and developers to work together as a united front. Unfortunatly, due to the exponential growth of crypto the once perfect pair seperated to exist as just another chapter in cryptos storied history. However, the priciple of the concept remains as true as ever.


The XYO Community Platform is no one structure, but is a accumulation of several properties across a number of networks. Each designed to serve the platform with there own individual purpose. The two primary spaces are BUIDLtheHODL.com and XYOHODL.com. XYOHODL.com serves as the project development hub, BUIDLtheHODL.com is the main location for the deployment of community developed project within the community platform. 

For more information on these or other properties see the FAQ or feel free to contact us at any time.

  • Project Development Hub XYOHODL.com (Forum)

    The Project Development Forum serves as a hub for project submission, refinement, development, and deployment throughout the platform. The forum is designed to facilitate opportunities for members of the community with a desire to invest with more into the community than money alone. For non registered users (guest) the forum only offers minimal content However, any community members is welcome to register on the forum as a member. Upon registered users are imediatly given acess to the remaining content. Being a member of the forum also grants the title as a "Project Team" of As a forum member u more gathering location for all HODLRs of XYO to connect "as 1" to better support XYO and the community. Support is provided through the forum's primary initiative whereas users submit proposals for projects as well as any other concept focused on creating long-term stability for XYO and the best experience in crypto for all investors.

  • BUIDLtheHODL.com Primary Project Deployment

    Our specialist can help you assess your particular issue and define which plan suits you the most. Feel free to contact us.

  • The XYO Community Platform

    Centralized gathering location for all HODLRs of XYO to meet together "as 1" to better support XYO and the community. Support is provided through the forum's primary initiative whereas users submit proposals for projects as well as any other concept focused on creating long-term stability for XYO and the best experience in crypto for all investors.

Project Team Roles and Positions 

Project Team Roles and Positions 

NFT | Platform

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NFT Club

If you HODL XYO and have a passion for creating and collection NFTs. You know longer need to look outside the community. Complete the form to inquire about the XYO NFT Club.

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NFT Claim

The NFT Club oversees all NFT concerns within the community. Here community members can claim earned NFTS. 

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NFT Proposal


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