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There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.

Ray Goforth

  • Report

    User fills out and submits form concerning possible threat   

  • Investigation

    Agent investigates submission for violations 

  • Assessment

    Report is analyzed for threat in accordance with P-FPI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

  • Action

    A recommended response for users to neutralize threat 

  • Update

    Info will be updates and available is threat files

  • Debrief

    A debrief will be drafted once threat is neutralized

  • Archived

    With a debrief summary final the case is closed & archived

  • What is the Fraud Prevention Initiative (FPI)?

    FPI is a XYO Community Platform feature, which empowers members with tools and resources needed to counter the threat from those that target crypto users with the intent to implement a safiricated scams to manipulate the user or market fraud  1. Investigation2. Confirmation3. Report Posted with Recommended Course of Action to Neutralize the Threat4. Announcement Made to Bring Awareness and Rally those Willing to Combat the Threat5. Threat Tracked and Updated Until Closed

  • What if I am not sure it's fraud?

    Please, do not hesitate to report fraud of any type. 

  • What types of scams can I report?

    Please, do not hesitate to report fraud of any type. 

  • What if it doesn't involve XYO?

    We will proudly step in and fight along side any crypto community. 

About Fraud Prevention Unit

The type or form matters little when it comes to scams few things are frustrating, but scams that seem to only find a way to occur due to negligence beyond the victims control is enough to make you sick. However, when applied to our particular space of interest, that being part of the financial industry, all previous considerations of frustration and difficulty fails in comparison to the degree of damage fraud can incur in crypto. 

(NOTE: The XYO Community Platform has yet to be official launched. After two years of development the Platform enter the "pre-deployment" phase which is the last develop phase prior to launch. However, some content has been made accessible to assist with transition, testing, and Project Team onboarding. Unfortunately, content and navigation will be highly restricted until the launch. Therefore, if you do want to take a look around that is of course not a problem, but you will likely you will encounter gaps and inactive links (which have been intentionally locked pending launch).
I do want to thank you for time and interest. The Platform is a vast project, and when you have the opportunity to introduce a concept of this magnitude anything less than perfection is unacceptable. With this the case, we find ourselves spending the majority time on testing. So depending on the level of your interest to interact with the Platform and participate in the development. I would love to have you continue engaging with the different features I invite you to complete the provided form indicating your interest to assist with the beta testing. (Note: As of Jan 1, 2023, the XYOCP has opened for Project Development Team onboarding.

and Thank you for your interest and understanding. See links below to learn more about the Platform , and how you as a XYO member can get involved.)

Perfection has no limits!

Developed by the Intel Corporation, HDCP stands for high-bandwidth digital content protection.


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  • Gallery image